
01: “Surrender”
For Pag, who showed me the courage and daring needed in the dark valley of midlife, and for all men who take that journey
01: “Anthem”
From a time of personal wilderness , of lessons learned about love, life and belonging. For my family who waited for me
01: “Dear Friends”
For those faithful friends who journey with me through thick and thin, and for home
01: “Have a Little Faith”
For prodigal son Ben, who gave us several frights and broke our hearts a few times, but who reminds me never to give up
01: “So Long”
For Tim who sadly did give up – a wonderful CEO and a beloved brother
01: “Deep in the Arms of Jesus”
From boy, to young man, to man – the journey of a lifetime in a few short verses
01: “Queen, Oh My Queen”
For Les, bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, tho I didn’t always know it
01: “Jonah”
The classic story, for those of us who think we know best and believe we’re in charge
01: “I Am”
… or, how I was saved from my misguided self and delivered to my true self
01: “Journeyman”
For k.d. lang, who taught me about showing up fully in your own life and singing your own song
01: “Come to the Manger”
Christmas Eve 2006, for Roger who preached the sermon and for all who came out that night for a glimpse of the mystery
01: “Earth to My Sky”
For Les again, ‘together wing to wing and oar to oar.’ Thank you for everything
01: “Prayer”
The story of my life, the song I’m most honoured to bring to life from 35 years of writing, and to have done so with Michael