Feedback about the “Surrender” CD

Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received about the Surrender CD …

“Dear Noel, I so get you! Your CD is truly uplifting and enlightening. It is so beautiful one cannot help but be at peace when listening to the gentle music and the wisdom that is in the words you have composed so clearly. Perfect for Christmas but something we all should tap into every opportunity available. It has shown me so much that there is no past or future when listening to it. ‘I am’ held in love and light. Thank you with best wishes.” … MRT

“Dear Noel.  Thank you so much for your Surrender CD. Beautifully presented with really meaty D+M content and very wonderful music. Michael complements your guitar playing perfectly. Having taken the time to be still around this time, to be centred and listening to your music and reading your writing….. I feel calm and more loving towards the family instead of fussing about food,  presents and alcohol.  Thank you for your part in it. Heaven sent! Christmas blessings.” … MD

“A wonderful album.  With honesty, raw candour and heartfelt sincerity that touches the listener, Noel Giblett shares personal struggle, the agony, sweetness and  longing for more in couple and family relationships, the celebration of friendships and the abiding value of a spiritual trust.  The playing is first class with Michael Done’s virtuosity coming to the fore. Guitar, harmonium, slide, mando, amongst other instruments, are used beautifully in each track.  This CD will be played often and lines will come to you like angels when you need them most.” … SR

“I LOVE it! Honestly it is just wonderful. Just brilliant. Didn’t know what to expect but I can tell you I will listen to this often.  I’d say it’s like a musical equivalent to comfort food!” … BD

“I was lucky enough to receive an early draft copy of Surrender at a time of great personal distress and challenge. It touched my heart deeply and made a huge impact on how I dealt with my situation. It was a true godsend and I can honestly say it played a big part in changing my life.  This is beautiful, nourishing music.” … DJ

We’d love to know what you think about Surrender. Please add your feedback below …